Monday, May 11, 2009

You Garden and You Grow

Some things I have learned in my garden this spring:

Patience.   Not my forte, but you can't force a seed to sprout or a plant to flower. 

Balance- water, food, compost, worms, sun, and in life.  

Enjoyment of the most simple things.  My first blades of grass, so soft and vibrantly green, were so beautiful.  

To let go.  Sometimes there is nothing more you can do.  The peppers die and you pull them up, make a new plan, and move on.

The importance of taking time every day to be silent and still.  No email, telephone, iPod, Facebook, television.  

Optimism.  This patch of dirt looked like it might be a lost cause.  All it needed was some hard work and care.  

1 comment:

julietk said...

HI :-) As a fellow Bear maker and an admirer of your work I have had a link to your blog in my side bar for some time. I wish you had a follow button so that I could add myself :-)