Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Pain In My...

Dear Mr. President, CEOs at my insurance company, and other assorted politicos currently at the wheel of this clown car:

Please fix things so I can go to my rheumatologist when my arthritis is really bad and get a shot of Kenalog in my butt and not have to pay $218.00 for it. Kenalog is not expensive, and if I could buy it at the pharmacy I would do it myself for a couple of bucks. If you trust me to drive my car every day you can trust me to give myself a shot in the butt. Additionally, your system causes me more stress which in turn causes more aggravation of my arthritis and requires me to get more shots. See how I am stuck here? Your help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.

M. Keeton

1 comment:

Madam said...

Of course you could do it yourself. But then the doctor wouldn't make his potful of $$$.