Jade Goody died today. She was 27 years old and had cervical cancer. I am turning 28 tomorrow and I have cervical cancer. I kind of fell into a tailspin this afternoon thinking of all the things I would miss if I didn't have another birthday. Hearing my mom say "I love you" and the purring of my cat and the feeling of the wind on my face. All of those little things that are really the important things. Get yourself tested. Do what you can to take care of yourself and enjoy all the moments that so easily slip by everyday without us pausing to notice.
My mother died last November, and while we were never close, her death has affected me deeply in much the way you describe. I'll be sending healing thoughts your way.
Fight with good scientific medicine and skip the alternative psuedo stuff out there. Clinical trials are okay too. My Aunt Mary had the 'good fortune' to have gotten polio in her teens so she always had checkups every 6 months and therefore, when she got cervical cancer it was caught early. She had radical surgery and chemo, etc. She died 50 years after her cervical cancer of something else entirely.
If it was curable 50 years ago, it's even more so today.
Be well and get well.
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