Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Birth of MousePants

For a while now I have been trying to come up with a name for my "studio". Something that embodies my felties. Something charming, playful, sweet, and most of all just Me. I've gone through a couple and they just didn't prove to be the perfect fit. Well, I believe I've stumbled on my final choice. MousePants. Yep, Mouse + Pants. This all started with my little cat Maggie. She was a feral cat my mom rescued and gave to me. She lived an anxious life mostly under my bed and in my closet. I tried everything with this cat. I tried treats, leaving her alone, forcing her to interact with the other cats, snuggling her. Nothing could really tame that little beast. I bear the scars to prove it.
Eventually Maggie started waking me up in the morning peeping out from under the bed and chirping. I found that if I sang to her softly she would come out and tiptoe around a bit and give me a little affection to start the day. It was a nice little ritual for both of us though my singing leaves something to be desired. Not knowing Maggie's taste in music I started making up songs for her and one had to do with "little Maggie mouse wearing little mousy pants". She seemed to enjoy this one the most and MousePants seemed a fitting nickname for the skittish, tiny cat who slinked along the baseboards. Shortly after we moved to the new house Will accidentally left a window open and Maggie got out. I have seen her around the neighborhood but we haven't been able to catch her even with a livetrap. Little Miss MousePants has returned to the wild.
So, for some reason MousePants just seems the perfect thing to call my studio. When I was doing some basic searching to see if anyone could possibly be calling something else MousePants I did find some Mouse Pants. Thankfully, I do not think anyone will get confused between my felties and knickers with a keyboard in the lap, a mouse to use on your thigh, and speakers in the crotch. I love you little MousePants, wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

MousePants. I like it.

Unknown said...

I love it! So are you going to keep the name TheLittleRedHen at or change it to MousePants?