Sunday, June 29, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Nothing in the world like homegrown tomatoes! My first little crop went into a great salad with wonton strips, sesame seeds, and radichio. I was away for a few days and thought that my house sitter (Thanks Dale!) would eat the tomatoes that ripened but I got back to all these just waiting to be plucked. What a great little treat- especially not having to worry about the salmonella!


Anonymous said...

Yum! Glad you have a porch for growing green things. Was especially glad you've moved up from your garden level apartment last night when I saw others in your neighborhood flooding!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah, yes!

The Mad Dog said...

You didn't really think I'd eat all your 'maters did ya? I did nosh a few though, yummy! Hope y'all are feeling much better.